Some extracts from the book Prayer by Richard Frost which I have been reading through Lent)
Pg 2
Perhaps you do not believe in prayer. You may have tried to pray and been profoundly disappointed . . . and disillusioned. You seem to have little faith, or none. It does not matter. The Father’s heart is open wide –you are welcome to come in. Perhaps you are bruised and broken by the pressures of life. Others have wronged you and you feel scarred for life. You have old, painful memories that have never been healed. You avoid prayer because you feel too distant, too unworthy, too defiled. Do not despair. The Father’s heart is open wide –you are welcome to come in. Perhaps you have prayed for many years but the words have grown brittle and cold. Little ever happens any more. God seems remote and inaccessible. Listen to me. The Father’s heart is open wide –you are welcome to come in. Perhaps prayer is the delight of your life. You have lived in the divine milieu for a long time and can attest to its goodness. But you long for more: more power, more love, more of God in your life. Believe me. The Father’s heart is open wide –you too are welcome to come higher up and deeper in.