Blessing of St Francis Garden
Renewal of Baptism Vows, Easter Vigil
Censing the cross
Blessing of pets in the park
Sr Patricia, Br Edward Bear and Sr Juliana at the blessing of pets.
Celebrating eucharist at St Mary Magdalene's
Sr Juliana with the Play Squirts
St Dunstan's Closure, Ascot Park
Bishop Stephen Pickard and Sr Juliana
Sr Patricia, Bp Stephen Pickard and Sr Juliana at St Francis
Blessing and honour and glory and power...
St Mary Magdalene's
Easter Vigil Breakfast St Mary Magdalene's
Sr Juliana lighting the New Fire at Easter
All Saints Colonel Light Gardens
Sr Juliana at All Saints Colonl Ligth Gardens
Sr Patricia ministers to Sr Philippa
Palm Sunday Eucharist, St Mary Magdalene's
Sr Juliana conducting at St Francis
Sr Juliana sings the Exultet at Easter Vigil
Brother Edward Bear at Church for the Children's Talk.
The New Fire at Easter 2018
The Celebration of the new congregation of St Francis